
Hudson - 14 months

Hudson is 14 months old!  I can't believe it.  He's definitely "grown up" in the last few weeks.  He LOVES walking around now and has decided to carry his toys around instead of pushing them.  Look at his muscles!
We're still trying to master going down these stairs, but he's getting better!
Facts about Hudson at 14 months:
  • He loves granola bars and bananas - if you can't get him to eat one of these things there's something wrong
  • He's a Daddy's boy - he says Da-Da ALL the time.  When Wade gets home from work if he doesn't say something to Hudson first he will scream at him until he does.  
  • Has started throwing fits (see above!) - he's definitely going to have a temper.  Half the time these screaming fits do NOT involve tears and when we walk away he eventually follows us!
  • Refuses to drink milk out of a cup.  Sterling had no trouble transitioning, but Hudson LOVES his bottle.  He's only taking 1 bottle before bed and we're going down to only 4 oz now so HOPEFULLY he'll start drinking it out of a cup.  He'll drink water ALL day, but if you give him milk he just throws it on the floor (see fits, above!)
  • LOVES animals!  He knows dog and cat in sign language.  Basically any furry animal is a dog or cat.  He also says cat and tries to say dog.
  • Hudson also knows bath and eat in sign language, both of which he LOVES to do.  He also points at things he wants which is usually anything anyone else has!
  • Hudson also started swimming lessons and I'm excited about spending this summer with the boys.  He's already going under water so I'm sure he'll be following his Bubba and jumping into the pool by the end of summer!

1 comment:

  1. Whit, someday when I have a little one or two, you're going to have to teach me how to teach sign language. Hope to see your little guys soon.
