
"F" Week

In honor of FATHER'S Day last week was "F" Week.  It wasn't quite as FANTASTIC as "S" week, but we still had FUN!
Our FROSTED FLAKES and FROOT Loops shirts
FINGER Painting, with pudding!  This is Sterling's friend, Dezi, that came to play this day!
Sterling decided to body paint!
FISH for dinner
FISH Sticks and Macaroni for lunch
FRENCH Toast for breakfast
(Don't worry we didn't eat all 3 of these things in the same day!)
FISHIN' with Papa
Relaxing with Daddy on FATHER'S Day!

We also enjoyed a FROSTY from Wendy's, but I forgot my camera that day!  We really ran out of time during "F" week, but still found lots of FABULOUS things to do!

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