
Potty Time?! Maybe!

Hudson would NOT leave his diaper (or his pants) on last Sunday, so I decided to quit fighting with him and start the potty process.  Let me say, he's no where near ready, but I finally got him to at least sit on the potty!!! 
I just stuck it right in the middle of the living room floor.  Nice, I know!  But, it wouldn't sit on it for very long and I could actually get something done.

He thought wearing big boy underwear like Bubba was pretty cool!

Look at that cute hiney!!!  

Needless to say, we went through 3 pair of underwear that day and he never went in the potty.  I'm not pushing it at all because I know he is not ready, but he had fun and I didn't have to change 1 diaper all morning!  So, I guess we'll just keep on going with the flow!