
Halloween Fun 11.4.2009

Halloween weekend was a whirlwind.  I’m going to make this fairly brief and just add pictures, so here it is in a nutshell.  We headed to Oklahoma for what was an amazingly beautiful weekend and went trick or treating, watched football, hung out with friends and just had a blast.  We hope to head to Norman for more Halloween fun in the future!  Thank you everyone who had us over to “hang out” over the weekend!
First, Friday morning Sterling had his Halloween party at school.  I missed the Halloween parade, but all he really cared about were the “goodies” anyways.
After his party we headed hopped in the car for the 5 hour drive to Oklahoma.  Both boys did so well.  We are so lucky to have such good travelers, as we’ve been on the road 4 weekends in a row!!!  Even I’m tired of being in the car.  Wade dropped the boys and I off at our Bryson and Ilena’s house so he could go run before dinner.  Their son, Brody, is 1 year older than Sterling and their daughter, Meg, is 6 weeks older than Hudson.  The kids had a blast playing before dinner and trick or treating!
 Hudson and Meg playing
Brody (the transformer) and Sterling (Spiderman)
Brody is 100% boy and has every boy toy imagineable.  Sterling was introduced to “guns” this weekend.  This picture cracks me up because Brody did NOT want to wear the headphones, but Sterling wanted to be safe because that’s why Brody’s dad said to do!
The “big boys” played us some tunes.  Meg and Hudson were their background dancers.  
After dinner we headed to the Cunningham’s new neighborhood for trick or treating.  It was crazy!  Norman changed trick or treating to Friday due to a 6pm game time and people were every where!  It was so much fun spending Halloween together with friends and the kids got lots of candy!
Hudson (lion), Sterling (Spiderman), Cooper (skunk),
Meg (witch), Brody (transformer)
Saturday morning Wade went and played golf and the boys and I went to visit the kids I babysat in college.  I cannot believe how big they are getting and Sterling and Hudson just adore them.  They are the most wonderful children a parent could ever ask for, I miss them so much.
 Hudson and Audrey
Blake and Sterling (the sun was in their eyes)
Saturday afternoon we headed to Norman for tailgating and OU football.  Sterling even got to go to his FIRST OU football game.  His favorite part were the fireworks and the Rufneks' guns!
Sterling & Brody just sat over and played by themselves.  In this picture they were carrying on a conversation about something.  It was so cute I had to get a picture.
 Cooper and Hudson, Cooper was trying to give Hudson a hug!
Meg, Cooper, Brody, Hudson, Sterling and Lauren Margaret 
Fall was always one of my favorite times on campus.  The mums are gorgeous so we took all the kids over to take some pictures.  This is not an easy task.  I can’t wait until they’re all 10 and we can take 1 picture and be done instead of 25 and only 1 work!

Sterling's 1st OU Football Game
Whew!  It made me tired just reliving that weekend!!!  It was a great time and we’ll be back for Bedlam, Sterling’s 3rd birthday and Daddy’s BIG 3-0.  Apparently, we like to “celebrate” in Norman!

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