
What a difference a year makes!

I know parents always say, "They grow up so fast!" and yes they do!  When I think back to last summer I can't believe how much Sterling and Hudson have changed in 1 year. 

July '09 Sterling was potty training, could have cared less about Hudson, wanted needed help to do things, and had to take his "B's" everywhere.
July '10 Sterling is potty trained, likes Hudson (sometimes), doesn't need help doing lots of things and doesn't really want it either, and it down to 1 "B" that he's been leaving in his bed.  He can write his whole alphabet, including his name, loves animals, to read, to watch movies and to learn. 

July '09 Hudson couldn't sit up on his own, was eating baby food, drinking formula out of a bottle and not sleeping through the night!
July '10 this is one big boy!  He's running, eats everything, drinks whole milk from a sippy cup and requires LOTS of sleep.  He sleeps 12 - 13 hours a night and still takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.  Hudson is talking all the time, making animal sounds, is starting to sit still long enough to read a few books, loves dogs, can understand when I ask him to do something, and loves his "B!"

What a difference a year makes!

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